Quick Start


Using pip

pip install sbp-env

Or manually:

Download the latest code and install required dependencies listed inside requirements.txt (recommend to always isolate your python workspace with virtual environment, e.g., conda/pyenv)

# get code from remote
git clone https://github.com/soraxas/sbp-env
cd sbp-env

# optional, using virtual env
conda create --name my_ws python=3.8
conda activate my_ws

You would first need to install the dependencies with

# install dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
# optional dependencies for manipulator simulator
pip3 install -r requirements_klampt.txt

The quickest way to test out the capability of a planner is to experiment with a 2D Image Space planner.

python main.py rrt maps/room1.png

The syntax always requires a positional argument which specify the planning environment. In the case of the 2D engine or 4D rover arm, it should be a path to an image file (png/jpg). For the case of the \(n\)-D manipulator, it should be a path to an xml file as specified in Klampt.

Using other simulator

The type of simulator can be set with the --engine flag. For example, the 4D robot arm simulator can be used with the 4d value.

python main.py rrt maps/4d.png --engine 4d

You can also set the length of the rover arm (a list of two float that corresponds to the 2 sticks’ length) with the following.

python main.py rrt maps/room1.png --engine 4d --4d-robot-lengths 15,15

Notice that the argument for --4d-robot-lengths must be comma-separated numbers, each of the number represent the length of the rover arm.

For the 4d rover arm simulator, sbp-env will visualise each node with the actual arm that is currently used for collision-checking. The two arms are currently being displayed in orange and cyan colour for distinguishing them when the display is cluttered. The colour are currently non-configurable, and only matters to the visualisation of the planning horizon.

You can also launch the 3D simulator environment with the following command, given that you had already installed the optional klampt dependencies that was mentioned previously. Note that you will need to supply the environment file as specified in klampt’s doc as they are passed directly to the klampt simulator backend.

We have included a complementary set of klampt data here, which is adapted from the official klampt example repository.

You can use the following commands to quickly download the klampt data files:

cd sbp-env

# download klampt-data from remote
wget https://github.com/soraxas/sbp-env/releases/download/klampt-data/klampt_data.tar.gz
# extract
tar xzf klampt_data.tar.gz

And last but not least, you can start the klampt simulator with

python main.py rrt klampt_data/tx90blocks.xml --engine klampt


If you don’t have OpenGL installed, you might also need to install it for using the klampt simulator. If you are using pip, you can install it with

pip3 install pyopengl pyqt5

Saving the planner statistics

During the planning episode, sbp-env will keep track of various statistics which are beneficial to compare the performance between planner. The statistics will always be displayed as part of the tqdm progress bar.

You can save the statistics to a .csv file with the --save-output flag, e.g.

python main.py rrt maps/room1.png start 100,100 goal 350,350 --save-output

which would save the output to a timestamped .csv file under the runs/ folder by default. You can also customise the output folder with --output-dir=MY_FOLDER.

The recorded statistics have the following meanings:
  • nodes: The number of nodes

  • time: Timestamp

  • cc_feasibility: The number of collision-checks for feasibility (node)

  • cc_visibility: The number of collision-checks for visibility (edge)

  • invalid_feasibility: The number of invalid feasibility checks

  • invalid_visibility: The number of invalid visibility checks

  • c_max: The current cost of the solution trajectory