Source code for sbp_env.visualiser

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
import sys
from abc import ABC
from typing import Optional
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np

from .utils.common import Colour, Stats
from .utils.common import Node

from . import collisionChecker
from .collisionChecker import RobotArm4dCollisionChecker

os.environ["PYGAME_HIDE_SUPPORT_PROMPT"] = "1"  # disable pygame prompt

import pygame
from pygame.locals import *

    from .utils import planner_registry
    from .env import Env
    from .planners.basePlanner import Planner
    from .samplers.baseSampler import Sampler

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def nothing_to_paint(*args):
    """Paint function that does nothing.

    :param args: unused

#              Base without visualisation                  #

class BasePlannerVisualiser(ABC):
    Base Planner Visualiser that performs nothing.
    Good for benchmark when you don't care about visual inspection.

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

    def init(self, **kwargs):
        Abstract method, delayed *initialisation* method for planner visualiser.

    def paint(self, **kwargs):
        Abstract method, paint method for planner visualiser.

    def terminates_hook(self):
        Abstract method, terminates hook for planner visualiser that is executed at
        the end of loop.

    def draw_solution_path(self):
        Abstract method, method to draw solution path for planner visualiser.

class BaseSamplerVisualiser(ABC):
    Base Sampler Visualiser that performs nothing.
    Good for benchmark when you don't care about visual inspection.

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

    def init(self, **kwargs):
        Abstract method, delayed *initialisation* method for sampler visualiser.

    def paint(self, **kwargs):
        Abstract method, paint method for sampler visualiser.

    def terminates_hook(self):
        Abstract method, terminates hook for sampler visualiser that is executed at
        the end of loop.

class BaseEnvVisualiser(ABC):
    Base Environment Visualiser that performs nothing.
    Good for benchmark when you don't care about visual inspection.

    def __init__(self, env_instance: Env, **kwargs):
        self.env_instance = env_instance
        self.args = env_instance.args

    def visualiser_init(self, **kwargs):
        Abstract method, delayed *initialisation* method for environment visualiser.

    def update_screen(self, **kwargs):
        Abstract method, when call this method will update the screen.

    def set_start_goal_points(
        start: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
        goal: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
        Ask the visualiser to query both start and goal configuration from the user.
        if start is None or goal is None:
            raise RuntimeError(
                "start/goal have not been set.\n  Consider passing the start/goal with \n  $ python <PLANNER> <MAP> start <start_x1,x2,..,xn> goal <goal_x1,x2,..,xn>"
        return start, goal

    def __getattr__(self, attr):
        """This is called what self.attr doesn't exist.
        Forward the call to the :class:`Env` instance
        return object.__getattribute__(self.env_instance, attr)

    def terminates_hook(self):

#              Pygame (2D) visualisation                   #

[docs]class PygamePlannerVisualiser(BasePlannerVisualiser): """ Planner Visualiser with the Pygame """ def __init__( self, planner_instance: Planner, planner_data_pack: planner_registry.PlannerDataPack, **kwargs, ): """ :param planner_instance: an instance of a planner :param planner_data_pack: a planner data pack that stores the implemented paint function or init function. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.planner_instance = planner_instance self.planner_data_pack = planner_data_pack # retrieve function for painting self.paint_func = planner_data_pack.visualise_pygame_paint if self.paint_func is None: # paint function has not been provided. Do nothing in paint function self.paint_func = nothing_to_paint
[docs] def init(self, **kwargs): """ The delayed *initialisation* method for planner visualiser. """ super().init(**kwargs) if self.planner_data_pack is not None: if self.planner_data_pack.visualise_pygame_paint_init is not None: self.planner_data_pack.visualise_pygame_paint_init( self.planner_instance )
[docs] def paint(self): """ Paint method for planner visualiser. """ self.paint_func(self.planner_instance)
[docs] def draw_solution_path(self): """ Method to draw solution path for planner visualiser. """ solution_path = self.planner_instance.args.env.get_solution_path(as_array=False) if solution_path is None: return # redraw new path self.planner_instance.args.env.solution_path_screen.fill(Colour.ALPHA_CK) last_parent = solution_path[0] for node in solution_path[1:]: self.planner_instance.args.env.draw_path( last_parent, node,, line_modifier=5, layer=self.planner_instance.args.env.solution_path_screen, ) last_parent = node self.planner_instance.args.env.window.blit( self.planner_instance.args.env.path_layers, (0, 0) ) self.planner_instance.args.env.window.blit( self.planner_instance.args.env.solution_path_screen, (0, 0) )
[docs] def terminates_hook(self): """ Terminates hook for planner visualiser that is executed at the end of loop. """ if self.planner_data_pack is not None: if self.planner_data_pack.visualise_pygame_paint_terminate is not None: self.planner_data_pack.visualise_pygame_paint_terminate( self.planner_instance )
[docs]class PygameSamplerVisualiser(BaseSamplerVisualiser): """ Visualisation of the sampler with Pygame """ def __init__( self, sampler_instance: Sampler, sampler_data_pack: Optional[planner_registry.SamplerDataPack] = None, **kwargs, ): """ :param sampler_instance: an instance of a sampler :param sampler_data_pack: a sampler data pack that stores the implemented paint function or init function. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.sampler_instance = sampler_instance self.sampler_data_pack = sampler_data_pack self.paint_func = None # sampler can be nested, so sampler_data_pack is optional if sampler_data_pack is not None: # retrieve function for painting self.paint_func = sampler_data_pack.visualise_pygame_paint if self.paint_func is None: # paint function has not been provided. Do nothing in paint function self.paint_func = nothing_to_paint
[docs] def init(self, **kwargs): super().init(**kwargs) if self.sampler_data_pack is not None: if self.sampler_data_pack.visualise_pygame_paint_init is not None: self.sampler_data_pack.visualise_pygame_paint_init( self.sampler_instance )
[docs] def paint(self): self.paint_func(self.sampler_instance)
[docs] def terminates_hook(self): if self.sampler_data_pack is not None: if self.sampler_data_pack.visualise_pygame_paint_terminate is not None: self.sampler_data_pack.visualise_pygame_paint_terminate( self.sampler_instance )
# noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
[docs]class PygameEnvVisualiser(BaseEnvVisualiser): """ Environment Visualiser with the Pygame """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.extra = 25 self.img = pygame.image.load( self.dim = self.args.engine.upper
[docs] def visualiser_init(self, no_display: bool = False): """Delayed *initialisation* method for environment visualiser. :param no_display: Controls whether turn on the visualisation or not, defaults to False. This option is deprecated, and instead, the environment should derived directly from the base visualisation to turn off visualisation. """ self.args.no_display = no_display if self.args.no_display: return pygame.init() self.fpsClock = pygame.time.Clock() # self.fpsClock.tick(10) self.fpsClock.tick(10000) pygame.display.set_caption(self.args.planner.__class__.__name__) # screen.fill(white) ################################################################################ # text pygame.font.init() self.myfont = pygame.font.SysFont( "Arial", int(self.dim[0] * 0.04 * self.args.scaling) ) ################################################################################ # main window self.window = pygame.display.set_mode( [ int(self.dim[0] * self.args.scaling), int((self.dim[1] + self.extra) * self.args.scaling), ] ) ################################################################################ # background aka the room self.background = pygame.Surface([self.dim[0], (self.dim[1] + self.extra)]) self.background.blit(self.img, (0, 0)) # resize background to match windows self.background = pygame.transform.scale( self.background, [ int(self.dim[0] * self.args.scaling), int((self.dim[1] + self.extra) * self.args.scaling), ], ) ################################################################################ # path of RRT* self.path_layers = pygame.Surface( [ self.dim[0] * self.args.scaling, (self.dim[1] + self.extra) * self.args.scaling, ] ) self.path_layers.fill(Colour.ALPHA_CK) self.path_layers.set_colorkey(Colour.ALPHA_CK) ################################################################################ # layers to store the solution path self.solution_path_screen = pygame.Surface( [ self.dim[0] * self.args.scaling, (self.dim[1] + self.extra) * self.args.scaling, ] ) self.solution_path_screen.fill(Colour.ALPHA_CK) self.solution_path_screen.set_colorkey(Colour.ALPHA_CK) ################################################################################ # layers to store the sampled points self.sampledPoint_screen = pygame.Surface( [ self.dim[0] * self.args.scaling, (self.dim[1] + self.extra) * self.args.scaling, ] ) self.sampledPoint_screen.fill(Colour.ALPHA_CK) self.sampledPoint_screen.set_colorkey(Colour.ALPHA_CK)
[docs] def set_start_goal_points( self, start: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, goal: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, **kwargs, ): """A function that query user for start/goal and set them accordingly. :param start: the start configuration of the motion planning problem :param goal: the goal configuration of the motion planning problem """ ################################################## # Get starting and ending point"Select Starting Point and then Goal Point") if start is not None and goal is not None: return start, goal self.env_instance.start_pt = self.env_instance.goal_pt = None self.update_screen(update_all=True) while start is None or goal is None: mouse_pos = None for e in pygame.event.get(): if e.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: mouse_pos = np.array(e.pos) / self.args.scaling if type( == RobotArm4dCollisionChecker: mouse_pos = np.array( [*mouse_pos, *np.random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi, 2)] ) if not # failed to pass collision check mouse_pos = None elif e.type == QUIT or (e.type == KEYUP and e.key == K_ESCAPE):"Leaving.") return # convert mouse pos to Node if mouse_pos is not None: if start is None: start = Node(mouse_pos) self.env_instance.start_pt = start"starting point set: {mouse_pos}") elif goal is None: goal = Node(mouse_pos) self.env_instance.goal_pt = goal"goal point set: {mouse_pos}") self.update_screen(update_all=True) return start, goal
@staticmethod def process_pygame_event(): for e in pygame.event.get(): if e.type == QUIT or (e.type == KEYUP and e.key == K_ESCAPE):"Leaving.") sys.exit(0) def pygame_show(self): self.args.no_display = False def pygame_hide(self): self.args.no_display = True pygame.display.iconify() # pygame.quit()
[docs] def draw_stick_robot( self, node, colour1=Colour.cAlpha(, 128), colour2=Colour.cAlpha(Colour.cyan, 128), line_modifier=2.5, layer=None, ): """ Draw a 4D stick robotic arm :param node: the origin of the robot arm :param colour1: the colour of the first link :param colour2: the colour of the second link :param line_modifier: modify the weight of the link to be drawn :param layer: the layer to draw the arm """ # draw config for node 1 pt1 = node.pos[:2] pt2 = pt1, node.pos[2],[0] ) pt3 = pt2, node.pos[3],[1] ) pt2 = np.array(pt2) pt3 = np.array(pt3) pygame.draw.line( layer, colour1, pt1 * self.args.scaling, pt2 * self.args.scaling, int(line_modifier * self.args.scaling), ) pygame.draw.line( layer, colour2, pt2 * self.args.scaling, pt3 * self.args.scaling, int(line_modifier * self.args.scaling), )
# # layer, #, # (pt1 * self.args.scaling).astype(int), # int(2 * self.args.scaling), # )
[docs] def draw_path( self, node1, node2, colour=Colour.path_blue, line_modifier=1, layer=None ): """Draw a path that represents an edge :param node1: the starting node of the edge :param node2: the ending node of the edge :param colour: the color of the edge :param line_modifier: modify the weight of the edge to be drawn :param layer: the layer to draw th edge """ if layer is None: layer = self.path_layers if node1 is not None and node2 is not None: pygame.draw.line( layer, colour, node1.pos[:2] * self.args.scaling, node2.pos[:2] * self.args.scaling, int(line_modifier * self.args.scaling), ) # nodes_to_draw = self.nodes # # cap the number of robot to draw # max_draw = 30 # if len(nodes_to_draw) > max_draw: # nodes_to_draw = random.sample(nodes_to_draw, max_draw) # # for n in nodes_to_draw: # self.args.env.draw_stick_robot(n, layer=self.args.env.path_layers) if type( == collisionChecker.RobotArm4dCollisionChecker: self.draw_stick_robot(node1, layer=self.path_layers) else: pygame.draw.line( layer, colour, node1.pos * self.args.scaling, node2.pos * self.args.scaling, int(line_modifier * self.args.scaling), )
[docs] def draw_circle(self, pos, colour, radius, layer): """Draw a circle (e.g. to represent a node) :param pos: the origin position of the circle :param colour: the color of the circle :param radius: the radius of the circle :param layer: the layer to draw the circle """ draw_pos = int(pos[0] * self.args.scaling), int(pos[1] * self.args.scaling), colour, draw_pos, int(radius * self.args.scaling))
[docs] def update_screen(self, update_all=False): """Refresh the screen :param update_all: Force update the screen (as oppose to limit drawing to speed up) """ self.process_pygame_event() if "refresh_cnt" not in self.__dict__: # INIT (this section will only run when this function is first called) self.refresh_cnt = 0 if update_all or self.args.always_refresh: count = 0 # FORCE UPDATE else: count = self.refresh_cnt self.refresh_cnt += 1 ################################################## def draw_start_goal_pt(): """ """ if self.env_instance.start_pt is not None: self.draw_circle( pos=self.env_instance.start_pt.pos,, radius=self.args.goal_radius, layer=self.path_layers, ) if self.env_instance.goal_pt is not None: self.draw_circle( pos=self.env_instance.goal_pt.pos,, radius=self.args.goal_radius, layer=self.path_layers, ) # limits the screen update if count % 20 == 0: self.window.blit(self.background, (0, 0)) if count % 60 == 0: try: self.planner.visualiser.paint() except AttributeError as e: # only raise the exception if the planning had started # because during setup there might be attributes that are # not available yet. if self.env_instance.started: raise e # print(e) pass draw_start_goal_pt() # Tree paths if count % 20 == 0: self.window.blit(self.path_layers, (0, 0)) self.window.blit(self.solution_path_screen, (0, 0)) draw_start_goal_pt() # Sampler hook if count % 20 == 0: try: self.args.sampler.visualiser.paint() except AttributeError as e: if self.env_instance.started: raise e # print(e) pass # Sampled points if count % 4 == 0: self.sampledPoint_screen.fill(Colour.ALPHA_CK) # Draw sampled nodes for sampledPos in Stats.get_instance().sampledNodes: self.draw_circle( pos=sampledPos,, radius=2, layer=self.sampledPoint_screen, ) self.window.blit(self.sampledPoint_screen, (0, 0)) # remove them from list del Stats.get_instance().sampledNodes[:] # Texts if count % 10 == 0: _cost = ( "INF" if self.planner.c_max == float("inf") else round(self.planner.c_max, 2) ) text = "Cost: {} | Inv.Samples: {}(con) {}(obs)".format( _cost, Stats.get_instance().invalid_samples_connections, Stats.get_instance().invalid_samples_obstacles, ) self.window.blit( self.myfont.render(text, False, Colour.white,, (10, (self.dim[1] + self.extra) * self.args.scaling * 0.95), ) pygame.display.update()
############################################################ # Klampt (3D) visualisation # ############################################################
[docs]class KlamptPlannerVisualiser(BasePlannerVisualiser): """ Planner Visualiser with the Klampt """ def __init__( self, planner_instance: Planner, planner_data_pack: planner_registry.PlannerDataPack, **kwargs, ): """ :param planner_instance: an instance of a planner :param planner_data_pack: a planner data pack that stores the implemented paint function or init function. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.planner_instance = planner_instance self.planner_data_pack = planner_data_pack # retrieve function for painting self.paint_func = planner_data_pack.visualise_klampt_paint if self.paint_func is None: # paint function has not been provided. Do nothing in paint function self.paint_func = nothing_to_paint
[docs] def init(self, **kwargs): """ The delayed *initialisation* method for planner visualiser. """ super().init(**kwargs) if self.planner_data_pack is not None: if self.planner_data_pack.visualise_klampt_paint_init is not None: self.planner_data_pack.visualise_klampt_paint_init( self.planner_instance )
[docs] def paint(self, **kwargs): """ Paint method for planner visualiser. """ self.paint_func(self.planner_instance)
[docs] def terminates_hook(self): """ Terminates hook for planner visualiser that is executed at the end of loop. """ if self.planner_data_pack is not None: if self.planner_data_pack.visualise_klampt_paint_terminate is not None: self.planner_data_pack.visualise_klampt_paint_terminate( self.planner_instance )
[docs]class KlamptEnvVisualiser(BaseEnvVisualiser): """ Environment Visualiser with the Klampt """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.drawn_label = set()
[docs] def visualiser_init(self, no_display=False): """Delayed *initialisation* method for environment visualiser. :param no_display: Controls whether turn on the visualisation or not, defaults to False. This option is deprecated, and instead, the environment should derived directly from the base visualisation to turn off visualisation. """ if not no_display: from klampt import vis vis.add("world",
[docs] def set_start_goal_points( self, start: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, goal: Optional[np.ndarray] = None, **kwargs, ): """A function that query user for start/goal and set them accordingly. :param start: the start configuration of the motion planning problem :param goal: the goal configuration of the motion planning problem """ from import resource def user_set_config(q, type_str="<..>"): """ :param q: :param type_str: (Default value = "<..>") """ save = None # it's worthwhile to make sure that it's feasible while q is None or not print("=" * 20) print("=" * 20) print(type_str, q) print(type_str + " configuration isn't feasible") save, q = resource.edit( type_str + " config", q, "Config", ) q = return save, q _, start = user_set_config(start, "Start") _, goal = user_set_config(goal, "Goal") return start, goal
[docs] def draw_node(self, pos, colour=(1, 0, 0, 1), size=15, label=None): """Draw a node in the klampt visualiser :param pos: the position of the node :param colour: the colour of the node :param size: the size of the node :param label: if given, add label to the node """ from klampt import vis from klampt.model.coordinates import Point if label is None: label = repr(pos) vis.add(label, Point(pos), keepAppearance=True) vis.setAttribute(label, "size", size) vis.setAttribute(label, "color", colour) vis.hideLabel(label)
[docs] def draw_path(self, pos1, pos2, colour=None): """Draw a path (line) in the klampt visualiser :param pos1: the position of the start of line :param pos2: the position of the end of line :param colour: the colour of the line """ from klampt import vis from klampt.model.trajectory import Trajectory unique_label = repr((pos1, pos2)) label = repr((pos1, pos2)) if label not in self.drawn_label: vis.add(label, Trajectory(milestones=[pos1, pos2]), keepAppearance=True) if colour is not None: vis.setAttribute(label, "color", colour) vis.hideLabel(label)
# self.drawn_label.add(label)
[docs] def update_screen(self, update_all=False): """Refresh the screen :param update_all: Force update the screen (as oppose to limit drawing to speed up) """ if "refresh_cnt" not in self.__dict__: # INIT (this section will only run when this function is first called) self.refresh_cnt = 0 if update_all or self.args.always_refresh: count = 0 # FORCE UPDATE else: count = self.refresh_cnt self.refresh_cnt += 1 if count % 60 == 0: try: self.planner.visualiser.paint() except AttributeError as e: if self.env_instance.started: raise e # print(e) pass # Sampler hook if count % 20 == 0: try: self.args.sampler.visualiser.paint() except AttributeError as e: if self.env_instance.started: raise e
[docs]class KlamptSamplerVisualiser(BaseSamplerVisualiser): """ Visualisation of the sampler with Klampt """ def __init__( self, sampler_data_pack: Optional[planner_registry.SamplerDataPack] = None, **kwargs, ): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.sampler_data_pack = sampler_data_pack self.paint_func = None # sampler can be nested, so sampler_data_pack is optional if sampler_data_pack is not None: # retrieve function for painting self.paint_func = sampler_data_pack.visualise_klampt_paint if self.paint_func is None: # paint function has not been provided. Do nothing in paint function self.paint_func = nothing_to_paint
[docs] def init(self, **kwargs): super().init(**kwargs)
[docs] def paint(self): self.paint_func(self)
[docs] def terminates_hook(self): if self.sampler_data_pack is not None: if self.sampler_data_pack.visualise_klampt_paint_terminate is not None: self.sampler_data_pack.visualise_klampt_paint_terminate(self)
# noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
[docs]class BlackBoxEnvVisualiser(BaseEnvVisualiser): """ Environment Visualiser with the Pygame """ def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) # def update_screen(self, **kwargs): # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # # # self.paint_func(self) # self.__plot() # plt.legend() # def __plot(self): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from .randomness import RandomnessManager randomness = RandomnessManager(self.env_instance.args.engine.get_dimension()) pts = self.env_instance.args.engine.transform( np.array([randomness.get_random("sobol_sequence") for _ in range(10000)]) ) # TODO: stop cc from collecting stats obs_pts = [ pt for pt in pts if not ] plt.scatter(*self.env_instance.start_pt, c="green", label="start") plt.scatter(*self.env_instance.goal_pt, c="red", label="goal") plt.scatter(*np.array(obs_pts).T, c="black", label="infeasible") sol = self.get_solution_path(as_array=True) if sol is not None: plt.plot(*sol.T, label="solution path") def terminates_hook(self): import matplotlib.pyplot as plt self.__plot() self.env_instance.planner.visualiser.terminates_hook() self.env_instance.sampler.visualiser.terminates_hook() plt.legend()
class VisualiserSwitcher: """Default to Pygame visualiser""" env_clname = PygameEnvVisualiser planner_clname = BasePlannerVisualiser sampler_clname = BaseSamplerVisualiser @staticmethod def choose_visualiser(visualiser_type: str): """Select the visualiser to use :param visualiser_type: the type of visualiser to use """ if visualiser_type == "base": VisualiserSwitcher.env_clname = BaseEnvVisualiser VisualiserSwitcher.planner_clname = BasePlannerVisualiser VisualiserSwitcher.sampler_clname = BaseSamplerVisualiser elif visualiser_type == "pygame": VisualiserSwitcher.env_clname = PygameEnvVisualiser VisualiserSwitcher.planner_clname = PygamePlannerVisualiser VisualiserSwitcher.sampler_clname = PygameSamplerVisualiser elif visualiser_type == "klampt": VisualiserSwitcher.env_clname = KlamptEnvVisualiser VisualiserSwitcher.planner_clname = KlamptPlannerVisualiser VisualiserSwitcher.sampler_clname = KlamptSamplerVisualiser elif visualiser_type == "blackbox": VisualiserSwitcher.env_clname = BlackBoxEnvVisualiser else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown visualiser_type {visualiser_type}")